HLS Charities Vision
HLS Charities is a 501 (c3) organization founded by Gary & Becky Evans and John Young. The primary goal of HLS Charities is to provide financial assistance to families affected by major illness. Several years ago, Gary’s father passed away from cancer. John Young lost his father to the disease as well. Cancer is a disconcerting diagnosis and can make a person or family feel very isolated. HLS Charities exists to help families regain their confidence and feel supported when faced with comparably difficult situations.
Comforting families similarly affected by illness and loss has proved very rewarding because of the wonderful community support our loyal golfers, sponsors, donors and volunteers provide year on end. HLS Charities’ ability to assist our neighbors and friends would not be possible without the generous aid provided by this amazing community. As a result, we continue to organize and conduct the annual golf tournament fundraiser event year after year.
If you or your company are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities please click here.
On March 16, 2010 HLS Charities was granted NON-PROFIT status by the Internal Revenue Service. Our primary goal is to provide families with financial support for living expenses neglected by mounting medical bills incurred due to major illness in their family.
Since 1998, HLS Charities has raised over $860,000.00 to help families in our community.
How HLS Charities began
HLS Charities began in 1998 when a neighbor of two of the founders passed away from Leukemia. The neighbor, Madison, was only two years old when she was called back to heaven. The tragedy of the family’s loss was compounded by the financial burden of many unpaid bills due to one of Madison’s parents having to quit employment to become her full time caregiver. The loss of half the family’s income in addition to the many medical bills put a substantial financial burden on the family. They could not afford an adequate funeral service for their cherished daughter.
Knowing the hardship the family faced, the founding members quickly organized a golf tournament in an attempt to raise the funds necessary to offset the cost of the burial. Proceeds from entry fees paid by tournament participants and all other revenue generated by the event were given in full to the family to pay the funeral expenses for Madison.
HLS Charities is blessed to have such a close knit group of supporters. Many of the golfers who support HLS Charities have supported the mission for over 20 years through participation, donations to the raffle and silent auction and volunteering. HLS Charities has helped over 200 families since helping Madison’s family. With our wonderful group of supporters we hope to be able to continue to help our friends and neighbors in need.
Meet the Team
Founding Board Members
Newest Board Member & Founding Board Member